How To Write Seo Friendly Article Blogger

How to Craft SEO-Friendly Blog Posts That Rank on Google and Drive Traffic

how to write seo friendly article blogger

Learn the secrets of crafting compelling content and ranking high in Google with these 10 pro tips for writing SEO-friendly articles as a blogger.

As a blogger, one of your main goals is likely to drive traffic to your site and rank highly in search engines like Google. While quality content is still king, writing posts optimized for search engine optimization (SEO) can give your content a boost in reaching that coveted first page of Google results.

Crafting SEO-friendly articles may seem daunting at first. However, by following some key best practices, you can learn to write compelling blog posts that also appeal to both search engine bots and human readers. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through 10 tips to help you write SEO-optimized blog content that ranks and converts.

Research Thoroughly to Identify the Right Keywords

The foundation of any effective SEO strategy starts with keyword research. Keywords are the words and phrases that searchers type into Google to find information on a topic. Identifying keywords that are relevant to your niche and have decent search volume is crucial for ranking well.

Start by brainstorming a list of potential keywords and phrases around your topic. Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to analyze the monthly search volume and competitiveness for each keyword. Look for keywords with high search volume and low competition to maximize your chance of ranking.

As you research, also analyze the types of keywords your competitors are ranking for and consider including those in your target list. By thoroughly researching keywords upfront, you can craft content around terms that are most likely to drive traffic.

Optimize Your Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

The title tag and meta description summarize your post in search engine results pages (SERPs). Though not direct ranking factors, compelling title tags and meta descriptions can improve click-through rates (CTR) to your posts.

Your title tag should be around 50-60 characters and include your primary keyword near the beginning. Avoid keyword stuffing and make the title compelling yet descriptive.

The meta description should be around 150-160 characters long and provide a summary of the post that makes the reader want to click. Include a relevant primary or secondary keyword.

Optimizing these two elements can significantly boost CTRs to your content from SERPs, driving more organic traffic.

Front-Load Your Posts with Target Keywords

Within your blog post content, focus on optimizing the first 100-200 words in particular. Search engines place extra emphasis on keywords appearing early in content.

Try to naturally work your primary keyword and related phrases into the opening sentences and first paragraph. However, avoid awkwardly over-optimizing—readability is still key.

Also highlight keywords in subheadings (using H2 and H3 tags) near the top of your post. By front-loading keywords, you can capitalize on search engines’ bias for keywords early on.

Optimize Your URL Structure

The structure of your blog post URLs can also be optimized for keywords you are targeting. If possible, include your primary keyword in the actual slug.

For example, if your keyword is “how to start a blog” the URL could be:

Or include secondary keywords:

Having keywords in the URL provides another SEO signal to search engines about the topic of that page.

Include Related Keywords Naturally

While there should be one primary keyword the post is optimized for, also incorporate secondary keywords and phrases throughout your content.

Work these in naturally by linking different but relevant ideas together. For a post on “how to start a blog,” you could mention related keywords like “create a website,” “build a WordPress blog,” and “make money blogging.”

Using related keywords creates a natural web of relevancy around your main topic. Just be sure they flow well within the context.

Optimize Images with Keyword-Rich Alt Text

The images you use in your blog posts also present an SEO optimization opportunity. By adding alt text to images, you can incorporate keywords that search engines can’t read in the images themselves.

The alt text should briefly describe the image and include your target keyword or phrase. Be accurate and natural with the description—don’t just stuff keywords.

Pro tip: naming your image filenames to include keywords can provide another slight SEO boost.

Link Internally to Related Content

Internal links point readers to other pages on your own site. These not only improve user experience but also help search engines crawl your site and understand page relevancy.

Within your post content, link to other related posts on your blog using relevant anchor text. For example, link to your “how to start a podcast” post from your “how to start a blog” post.

Interlinking related content boosts SEO by strengthening the topical relevance between pages. Just be sure the links are useful for readers, not just bots.

Include Outbound Links Strategically

While internal links are mainly for SEO, outbound links to external sites improve user experience and authority/trust.

Outbound links should be included thoughtfully and sparingly. Link to credible, high-authority sites related to the topic at hand. Avoid linking to low-quality or completely unrelated sites just for SEO.

Ideally, link out to useful resources, studies, examples, and other authoritative content that adds value for the reader. Strategic outbound links demonstrate your subject matter expertise.

Craft Compelling Headlines That Draw Readers In

Your blog post headline is the very first thing readers see in SERPs. An engaging, clickable headline that makes readers want to find out more can significantly boost CTR.

Some effective headline formulas include:

  • Numbered lists (e.g. 10 Tips for How to Start a Blog)
  • "How to" questions (e.g. How to Start a Profitable Blog in 2022)
  • Benefit-focused (e.g. How Blogging Can Change Your Life)
  • Direct advice (e.g. What You Need to Know Before Blogging)

Aim for headlines between 50-60 characters that capture attention but are still descriptive.

Write Quality Content That Satisfies Search Intent

At the end of the day, writing high-quality, in-depth content is still the most important factor for SEO success. Thin, low-value content will not rank well long-term even if technically optimized.

Make sure your content actually satisfies the searcher’s intent for your keyword and answers their questions in an authoritative, thorough manner. Meet or exceed the word count expectations for your topic.

Write well-researched posts that provide true value for readers. Compelling, useful content earns links, social shares, and organic growth that search engines reward.


By following these key tips, you can craft SEO-friendly blog posts that appeal to both search engine bots and human readers. Optimizing your content for keywords while also providing value establishes a strong foundation for search engine ranking success.

Remember to thoroughly research keywords, front-load your posts with keywords, optimize meta titles and descriptions, interlink related content, and most importantly - create high-quality blog posts that satisfy search intent.

With these best practices, you can take your blogging strategy to the next level and dramatically increase your organic traffic, leads, and conversions from Google. What tips do you have for writing SEO-friendly blog content? Let me know in the comments below!

Know more: How To Write Seo Friendly Article Blogger

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